

这是一个学弟暗恋学长却没有勇气流露真情的故事。任时光流逝,他的心从未改变。他会继续暗恋多久呢?沃拉帕特·朗格朗瓦塔纳只是一个过着普通生活的普通人,但他的心被一个他从大学时代起就暗暗钦佩的学长。波拉特·波提瓦特是一个很好的年轻人,很少说话。比起言语,他更喜欢通过凝视来表达自己的情感。即使他是一个安静的人,他也喜欢帮助别人,非常善良。沃拉帕特最近搬到了波拉梅特隔壁的房子,就在他开始第一年的大学生活之前。这可能仅仅是巧合或命运,但不仅他们的房子紧挨着,而且他们两人在同一所大学和同一系学习,即使他们在不同的年份。然而,学长的善良慢慢地一点一点地改变了隔壁学弟钦佩的目光,发展成了永远改变他们关系的爱情。 This is the story of a junior who secretly loves his senior but does not have the courage to reveal his true feelings. No matter how much time passes by, the love in his heart remains true and never fades away. How long does he have to keep his one-sided love to himself? Worrapat Rungreungwattana is just an ordinary guy who lives an ordinary life, but his heart is taken by a senior whom he had secretly admired since his university days. Poramet Potiwat is a nice young man who speaks very little. He prefers to express his emotions via his gaze rather than his words. Even though he is a quiet man, he likes to help others and is very kind. Worrapat recently moved to the house next door to Poramet just before he started his first year of university. It could be mere coincidence or fate, but not only were their houses next to one another, but the two of them studied at the same university and in the same faculty, even if they were in different years. The senior's kindness, however, slowly changed the admiring gaze from the junior next door little by little, developing into a love which would change their relationship forever.

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